Earth Day 2020 - 5 Eco Tips for Creating a More Sustainable Lifestyle During Quarantine

Today Earth Day turns 50! Earth Day began in 1970, which began the modern environmental movement. Earth Day was created as a way to publicly voice concerns for our environment. Two years later, Congress passed the Clean Water Act which safeguards our water for safe drinking and provides a healthy habitat. Now, Earth Day is a globally recognized day and continues to remind us to make a positive difference with our choices. In honor of our Mother Earth, we’ve put together 5 eco tips for creating a more sustainable lifestyle during this quarantine.

1. Start gardening (and composting) 

Gardening can help to reduce the level of stress, it's a great way to ease some tensions during this time. Direct exposure to dirt and plants can help to boost your immune system, and growing vegetables encourages a healthier diet. Composting reduces food waste, transforming it into fertilizer is a fun project to work on during this time. If you can’t compost fully, smaller ways to reuse food waste are helpful!
Eggshells boiled in water leave calcium-rich nutrients behind and once the water cools it can be used to water plants for an added nutritional boost!

2. Repurpose 

if you have empty containers find ways to repurpose them for other uses. For example, potting plants in used cartons and jars from the kitchen or making new candles out of old glass containers. Create a tote bag out of old clothing items. These are fun projects that can involve the whole family!

3. Don’t litter!

this one seems simple; but with the growing need for personal protective equipment, individuals have sadly been leaving their gloves on the floor. Instead of leaving these things behind, try and opt for either re-usable (washable) protective gear if you don’t work in a hospital environment or dispose of items correctly. When grocery shopping using reusable bags is a great way to stay sustainable and reduce waste.

4. Buy from Local Farmers and Take a Fast Fashion Break

Buy from Local Farmers and Take a Fast Fashion Break. Buying in-season fruits and vegetables from local farmers is a great way to support local businesses and sustainable practices in purchasing habits. Taking a break from fast fashion and investing in companies with more sustainable practices allows these companies to stay manufacturing their pieces more ethically and sustainably. Voting with your dollars is a great way to keep ethical practices alive on a larger scale.

5. Turn off & Unplug

Turn off lights and switches when they aren’t being used. When not charging devices, unplug them from the walls. Being sustainable at home, reducing electricity to the basics not only saves the planet but lessens the bill as well.


During this time of global quarantining, less consumption reminds us that we can make use of things we already have and invest more in the quality of the things that we buy. Less production and cars on the road mean we have cleaner and clearer air space and bodies of water across the globe. With the globalized world we live in today, the interconnectedness of humans and our impact on the earth is highlighted during this time. In little ways, we can all make a difference. Together, the dramatic impacts of positive change on nature can be seen in unprecedented proportions.


Written By: Rebecca Merritt 






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