In light of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, we wanted to post about this beautiful US territory that was ravaged by the hurricane. Puerto Rico is so close to our home base of Miami and we want to support them in any way we can. So much of the island has been devastated by the hurricane, and many parts of the island remain with out water or power. They need our help. We’ve done many of our look book shoots for Pitusa in Puerto Rico, and it is a special place very close to our hearts. Unfortunately, the federal response has been slow and the reaction from those in power has left a lot to be desire. So often, with natural disasters, it’s up to good people to donate and take care of one another in this crisis. Right now they can use help in so many ways.
There is something we can ALL do to help, and even if it feels helpless right now, it’s times like this that honestly any small thing us as individuals do to rally around one another make the world a little bit easier to exist in. Puerto Rico is in extreme need of a good many things at the moment, but one of its most prescient priorities is clean water. It’s now been over three weeks since the hurricane hit the island and, according to FEMA, 47% percent of the US territory is without usable drinking water. In addition an astonishing 90% of the island is still without power, which means that there are millions of people living in the dark right now.
We have put together a list of some of the most worthy organizations to give to: meaning the funds will go directly to those most in need, and most of the time 100% of the money will go to those who need it most.
The Hispanic Federation, has created UNIDOS Disaster Relief and Recovery Program to Support Puerto Rico, and according to MoveOn’s website “is already facilitating the deployment of fully trained and certified first responders, including paying for the flight to Puerto Rico and the accompanying arrangements. These first responders—comprised of NYPD and FDNY members and others—will join relief efforts on the island and provide the technical support and expertise so badly needed.” You can either donate on their website or in the following ways:
Via Text – Compose a new text message for number 41444. Type UNIDOS (space) YOUR AMOUNT (space) and YOUR NAME. (For example: Unidos 100 John Doe) Then press “send” and click on the link to complete your donation.
In Person – Visit any Popular Community Bank branch. Account name: Hurricane Relief Effort. Checking account number: 6810893500.
By Check – Make your check payable to: Hispanic Federation, in the memo line, write Hurricane Relief Fund and mail to: Unidos Disaster Relief Fund, c/o Hispanic Federation, 55 Exchange Place, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10005
Lin Manuel Miranda also sprung into action and wrote a song with J. Lo, Marc Anthony and many others to raise funds for Puerto Rico. You can buy it on iTunes or play it on Spotify and all proceeds go to the Hispanic Federation.
Another organization that has been put together specifically for relief efforts is the Maria Fund, and they are aiming to help Puerto Rico’s most vulnerable communities. On their website it says “vulnerable communities often face the worst destruction and slowest recovery and have fewer resources to safeguard homes, vehicles, and other property. When the winds die down and the floods recede, these communities are often forgotten.” The committee of the Maria Fund will be made up of people from Puerto Rico and the surrounding area so we know that these people will know what is really needed. Stay up to date and informed, and don’t forget our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico.
UNICEF is taking donations in order to get relief kits to children in need, according to their website: “A donation of just $28 will provide a kit containing basic, essential supplies such as water purification tablets, a water bucket with lid, water containers, soap, toothpaste, detergent and sanitary pads.”
- Posted in INSPO, TRAVEL, Uncategorized