Pitusa Girl of the Month, Leticia Gimeno
Meet Leticia Gimeno, our May Girl of the Month! Socially known as Letoto, Leticia lives in sunny Miami, Florida with her husband and four children. As Mother's Day approaches (this Sunday to be exact) we wanted to celebrate by featuring a super mama who inspires not only us but the people around her. With her strong social presence, Leticia uses her platform to share her families plant-based lifestyle and consistently spreads a positive message about kindness and love with the goal of inspiring others. She is also the woman behind the blog, Letoto and The Raws, where she continues to share her lifestyle, passion for food, yummy plant-based recipes and all the possibilities that we can find with new eating habits.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, what’s your background?
I was born in Madrid, Spain where I lived a very happy life!! I have a big family, 2 sisters and one brother and we used to spend all our time with my closest relatives - so I guess that's why I love big families ;)
I met my husband in Spain and we had our first daughter when we were still very young so we moved with her to Miami to finish college. After college, we moved back to Spain, then to Mexico (hubby is Mexican) and Nico, our second son, was born there. When he was one month we moved back to Miami where we had our two little ones, Pipe and Matilda. We are the luckiest family ever and I could never imagine a better life for my kids. We love it here so much and feel so lucky to live by the beach and surrounded by nature.
Can you tell us about your journey to a plant-based lifestyle? What changed your lifestyle?
I’ve always been a very health conscious person and I’m a huge animal lover so I was never a fan of meat, but when we moved to the States five years ago I started digging a little deeper and after some educative process (we first transitioned to vegetarians and then moved to vegan) I reached the conclusion that plant based is the most adequate way to live, for us, our health and the planet. Learning about the benefits of a plant based diet + all the good that this diet does to us and the world we live in is what pushed us to it. I just want to give my kids the best I can and I believe this is the best for them, for all of us!! Actually hubby transitioned to vegan 9 months ago and since then he has won every competition he’s raced (he is a triathlete) and that gives me more reasons to believe that the power of plants is actually the real deal ;) We love our lifestyle and really enjoy our food, we love to create and play with all the natural ingredients from Mother Earth and we have so much fun together inventing new ways to eat!!
What is your advice to people/families thinking of switching to a plant based diet?
Just go with the flow, day by day and little by little. Enjoy every step of the process and make it fun!! Involve your kids in the whole transition, include them in the education process and let them be a part of it!! Take them grocery shopping with you and let them help you cook because when they cook the food they will always eat it because they know what’s in it!! But most important, inform yourself, document yourself and be certain of why you are doing what you do. There are so many good resources today and so many books, documentaries and amazing nutritionist that can help you along the way... so yeah, basically “information is key” and take it “day by day”. I’m sure every member of the family will love and enjoy the process because it’s so amazing and you learn so much and do so much good :)
Your instagram is filled with beautiful moments with your kids, what is the most rewarding thing about being a mother?
Motherhood is definitely my fav thing in the whole wide world. My kids are my everything and just looking at their faces makes me smile and my heart is happy all the time. Everything about motherhood is rewarding to me, even the hard moments because from them I learn to be a better person and to understand that no matter what LOVE is the cure to everything. The best gift that life has ever given me are my kids and they have shown me what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE means so I guess that learning to really love someone more than yourself is what I cherish the most. The connection and sense of belonging I feel when they look at me, the way they know me (even better than myself) and the way they see me, the sincerity in their I LOVE you and their smiles and laughter make me ridiculously happy. Also, the power of a hug or how kisses can cure the worst moments is magic for me. Motherhood is magical and I love every single spell it brings within.
What is one lesson you hope your kids take away from you?
How love and kindness can move mountains and how big hearts always lead to happiness. I just want them to be whatever they want to be as long as they smile everyday. Also, that family is everything and that to me they are perfect so if they ever doubt themselves they will always have my eyes to see trough them how amazing and special they all are. And to laugh everyday; at home is a requirement cause laughing is the best therapy for the soul and there is always a reason to laugh :)
We love that you use your platform to spread such a positive message about happiness and love, your kindness is truly inspiring. How do you keep such a positive mindset?
How could I not?? I have the most amazing family I could have ever asked for. Love is what fills my air and life is so beautiful that I can just be thankful for everything we have. Every day is a new opportunity to be as happy as you can and that’s what we do; we embrace the now and enjoy the moment!! For me, that’s key because kids grow up soooo fast that every moment needs to be lived to its fullest and when you do so, when you really focus on the now, every single thing is amazing!! I always try to see life trough the eyes of my kids, through the innocence of kids and the good they see in everything and that totally helps me. We should use our kids more as our leaders cause they are the ones who teach us the lost and turn us into the best versions of ourselves. Their happiness runs trough my veins so I guess I’m full of positive vibes thanks to them!!
What Inspires you?
My kids inspire me every single day; they push me to be a better me and they help me spread my wings to a better world.
Love inspires me; feeling love and connection to life inspires me.
Kindness inspires me; respecting every one with kind words and a kind heart makes me smile.
Laughter inspires me because so many things can be read out of a laugh.
Taking care of what we have and making the most of it inspires me; we have an amazing world and those who take care of it inspire me, those who fight for a better future and those who really care truly inspire me.
Pitusa Quiz
Star sign?
Preferred workout?
Favorite vacation destination?
Any morning ritual?
Lots of cuddles and kissed always first thing
Coffee, smoothie, or tea?
Favorite charity?
Any guilty pleasures?
Anything chocolate
Favorite book/podcast?
Book: Peaceful parents, happy kids
Podcast: Plant_Proof by Simon hill
Favorite quote?
“If you want to change the world go home and love your family”
“It’s not how much you do but how much love you put into it that counts”
“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be KIND anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be HAPPY anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway”
All three are by mother Teresa (as you can see I’m a huge fan)
In honor of this inspirational super mama, take 20% off Leticia's featured styles and colors for the rest of May! Use code LETOTO20 at checkout!