Pitusa Blog
Women’s Equality Day: Empowering Podcasts
- Posted by Clara Lago
Happy Women’s Equality Day! We love celebrating women, we love podcasts, and we love combining those two things. We are on a real podcast kick! It’s such an easy thing to incorporate into your daily life– Some of our fav times to podcast-it-up are while driving, cooking, and getting ready! Lot’s of people wanna hop...
GOTM: Cristina Sosa, Founder and CEO of RAW Residency
- Posted by Clara Lago
Our August Girl of The Month is Cristina Sosa, founder, and CEO of yNESS Connect and RAW Residency We sat down with her on one of our Pitusa showroom couches and got to talking– she brought in a friend to “Pitusafy” for an upcoming vacation abroad. We immediately felt the inviting spirit of Cristina as we...
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